In January (2017), my business had hit its 3rd birthday and I was in despair. I had done all I knew to do and still the business was not growing as planned. I was putting in my all, yet the profits were not improving. I had even started on digital advertising which had been presented as the magical missing bullet but even then I was not very successful. My profit margins continued to limp. It is at this point that I enrolled at the Business Development Center Uganda (BDC) at Forest Mall. It was the best decision I could have made. Through the training sessions and business talks at the BDC, I started to understand how successful businesses are grown. The structure, pricing, product, process, financials and marketing principles all became clear to me and enabled me to grow my business. My self-defeating myths were busted by the guidance from great business coaches that took us through the modules. It’s just a month after graduation now and I have already recouped the entire investment in tuition (which by the way was subsidized to half the normal charges by a BDC partner) . The web adverts have also started bringing in more business. The return on training investment is clearly headed for over 100%! I now can see a way forward for my business and I appreciate all our trainers. What they have passed on to me the practical guide on running and growing my business…what I did not learn from school.If you own a small or medium sized business that is struggling or you want to grow to the next level, you're choking with cash flow challenges, struggling with pricing models, almost being swallowed up by the competition while trying to build a passionate team to carry the vision forward, then BDC is the right place for you! You and your business deserve better!

Hi Moses, First I want to thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the Cohort 10 of the BDC. It has been a great learning opportunity for me. I am a passionate businessman but I am not a professional businessman. This 10 week course has helped me gain the knowledge and skills needed to turn this business into a more competent and professional travel company. I am so excited to implement everything I have gained from the BDC. I now have more zeal and purpose to get up every morning. Doing business just got even more interesting! My utmost thanks to you, Anita and all the facilitators that worked long hours to make an impact in each of our lives and businesses. Secondly, the BDC has equipped me to know how to counsel and help other entrepreneurs as they look to get into doing business. I am privileged to be involved in the lives of a number of other men and what i know now has really given me more wisdom as i try to give guidance to others. Thank you!

“Before BDC I was just an Information Technology consultant. After BDC I became a recognized, respected and sought after Techprenuer in Uganda's tech startup community.”

I had a wonderful time at the workshop today. Again, your group of entrepreneurs grasped ‘Define’ and how to analyze true needs much faster than any other group I’ve ever trained! You have good people, and you provide such an important service. I’m glad to be part of this.

Hello, my name is Bright Onapito. I am experienced communications engineer with a passion for music and the arts. In the next 60 seconds, I am going to tell you about an exceptional opportunity to turn your passion into your profession, and how you can be part of it…” That was the sizzle, call it an elevator pitch if you like! I was part of the first BDC Uganda cohort – the pioneer students. My experience at the BDC is one of the best investments I have ever made, with a lifelong return. It completely changed the way I looked at entrepreneurship. One of the instant benefits to me was how to stress test business proposals my friends brought to me. “Show me your numbers. What are your working capital requirements? I need to see cash flow projections.” I learnt how crucial it was to know your life purpose and how that fits within business. Through the BDC I have since discovered my life purpose which I wrote down and constantly revisit to remind myself of my life mission. Dr. Brown (God rest his soul) while giving his key note speech at our graduation reminded us that the runway was now ‘clear for take-off’. Two years later, my plane is now off the runway. I have opened up the Eximius Academy of Performing Arts. I have started small and simple, I don’t have everything figured out yet but I have taken off anyway! Thank you BDC.

Augustine, I thank God for the BDC. I thank God for Irene that invited me for the Nov 2014 grad. I thank God for my teachers that believed in me. As I reflected early this morning (1AM) I couldn’t help but thank God. My tithe envelope is amazing. I asked God to double the Golden Moments tithe envelope. He didn’t double but quadrupled it. The testimonies are many. I don’t know how to say thank you. But from the bottom of my heart, may God bless you always. This does not include cash received for next year’s cakes. Our cakes have ended up in homes of VIP’s that I would never have met in my ordinary life. Please share with Lindo, Moses, Kaggwa. I don’t know how to thank you all. All I pray is that God blesses you all. Merry Christmas.

Talking of the BDC, a lot runs into my mind. It is commonly known as the business development centre but if you were to ask each Alumni to define BDC, you will definitely get different definitions more than just three words. I would say BDC is a fertile soil on which business seeds grow. I did not know that such soil real existed not until I walked through the BDC door and I discovered the ground that would make my seed grow. The seed I mean here is the business idea .I knew I had the seed but did not know much on how basically it would grow and bear fruits. During the I4 weeks at the BDC I was exposed to how a business seed grows , by watering it through research, market study , working right with numbers (cash flow ) to mention but a few. Putting those in practice I have seen my seed grow and bear fruits call it profits. Thanks to the BDC for supporting me to discover and learn the growth process of a business seed.

When it came to a close, there were were lots of things to remember about the night my cohort graduated from the BDC. But at the top of my list were the opening remarks of a former BDC student, who recounted how earlier that day, one wall of his business premises had collapsed, turning his day on its head. Along the journey of entrepreneurship, he said, the unexpected would happen. And when that happened, what would really define us as business owners was what we would do then, not how brightly we shone at that graduation ceremony. Since leaving the BDC I have had plenty of reason to go back to that speech, as well as to the countless similar exhortations we received during the BDC course – practical advice that is at the heart of the BDC philosophy. In the year past, as I have striven to give my business flight while holding down a full-time job, so many have been the times that I have been tempted from frustration or sheer exhaustion to give up the dream… just for a while, I tell myself… just until things are better. From the inelasticity of time to broken systems and promises, the dream stealers are myriad. So, I have often had to return to the BDC lessons: Start small. Start now. Keep moving. Be resilient. Work hard. Know your purpose. Be dependable. Research. Heart above stomach. Operate in your sweet spot… They were not just words in a notebook; they are lifelines. When we left the BDC we were handed certificates. But the BDC certificate really is not just another paper trophy: the real certificate is the inspiration you carry away with you; the lessons that save you from costly mistakes; the network you become a part of; the opportunities that you are presented with; the challenge to do and be better; the accountability and the invaluable mentorship. The greatest thing about the BDC, I found, was the people. Rarely does one find such an incredible team of completely diverse individuals united by their complete belief and investment in what they do; people who are totally committed to birthing the best in each of those in their charge for 14 short weeks and to whom much is owed.

The BDC changed my life for the better. The people I have met help me along this journey, we encourage each other and help each other where we can as well. The trainers are awesome and always available when I need them. This course should be mandatory for all the youth!!! I believe it would effect the change that we desperately need in the country.

BDC is the best thing to ever happen to me, that I am able to earn 400,000ug.shs from the sale of 10 roosters in a space of 9-12 months each at 40.000ug.shs. You guys are qualified for this. Thanks to the entire team at BDC.

I came into the BDC thinking I knew it all in business having come from a business study background but on arrival and practically applying the knowledge changed everything for me. I experienced first-hand the challenges every business goes through while still having coaches to guide me and correct my every step. I made unforgettable connections with students and coaches who i am still in touch with and monitor my progress often.

Am glad I joined. I don’t regret anything.

It’s the best practical and relevant short Program. It was even better than even the University course at Uni.

I was totally clueless about the how to run a business, especially when it comes to finances and marketing and the BDC made it easier, enjoyable and made me believe I can do it too. They helped me understand what it takes to ran a business and this not only through the classes but also through the one on one sessions with the facilitators who are selfless and with a sincere desire to see your business grow and make a positive change in society. There have been continuous follow up and connections with people whom they know will be able to help boost/help your business venture succeed.

Building a business is an exciting adventure. My wife and I and our business partner have bee on the journey to build a great business for the last 7 years. Two of the years we were attempting to plan the business and the next two years we were losing money as we tried to implement our ideas. Coming to the BDC was huge help in clarifying what we needed to do to get our business out of a place where we were losing money. We are now moving towards building a sustainable model that enables us to grow profitably.

It is an excellent place for anyone that needs to starts a business. it encourages entrepreneurs to have integrity and is always available to walk the journey with them. We also appreciate linking us to the different Resources and Seminars as and when they are available.

The BDC has taught me how to do business better and I will forever be grateful. The facilitators gave me a lot of valuable lessons an information which I have used as I continue to grow my business; especially in marketing and finance.

I will keep on recommending, anywhere I go.

The BDC is a revelation, a much needed training centre which gives you healthy doses of theory and practice, ensuring that you have enough information to impart helpful knowledge to others and also effectively implement it in your own life. I’ve never seen an establishment that doesn’t accept excuses like the BDC. Their motto seems to be, if you want it, go out and get it. I’m very grateful for my time there, and hope they keep up the good work!

The BDC has helped me to think through my services in terms of making business sense and to plan well how to start, what to do; for example, I had to be creative with the services otherwise just having pupils without diversifying services was not sufficient for good profits. Or else it would mean being too costly for the clients. I am looking forward to getting Accounting support. So I am confident I have a place to go because I feel we are Family. I can always go back home for help no matter how long I’ve been away;-)

Was a couple of great evenings with facilitators creating and modelling our business strategy